An anime-themed vector featuring epic sword elements, showcasing the distinctive style of Japanese art. This design combines the sharp details of fantasy swords with a modern anime touch, making it perfect for use on clothing, stickers, posters, or other products. The EPS and SVG file formats ensure easy editing and compatibility for various creative design needs. Ideal for anime enthusiasts, digital art lovers, and unique merchandise collections.


How to Use the EPS File ?

How to Use the SVG File ?


#AnimeSword #VectorDesign #AnimeArt #SwordFantasy #DigitalArt #AnimeMerch #CreativeVector #EPSDesign #SVGArt #OtakuStyle #StickerDesign #TShirtArt #GraphicIllustration #FantasyWeapons #AnimeLovers #Vector #VectorAnime #VectorArt

Original price was: $5.Current price is: $2.

3 File Include
Using Adobe Illustrator (Recommended)